Once we knew what to look for, every day became an adventure - coordinating beach walks with low tide whenever possible...
Below are some of the results spanning a few week period in January/February 2013.
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All found on the beach surface or in low water at Jeremy Inlet |
2013-011: Bone, species unknown (possibly Camel or Mastodon) |
The above bone discovered in 6" of water at the Inlet |
2013-003: Possible Petrified Wood or Tusk Ivory |
2013-018: Bone, Mammalian vertebra, species unknown |
2013-013: Bone, vertebra, marine (unknown species) |
2017-101: Turtle Shell, width ~3" |
2013-014: Bone, Mammalian astragalus (ankle), species unknown |
2013-010: Tooth, (presumed) Equus, incisor |
2013-016: Tooth, presumed Horse or Bison (unfossilized) |
2013-015: Tooth in jawbone, shark (species unknown) |
2013-019: Bone, whale |
2013-006: Shell, (presumed) turtle |
2013-005: Shell, turtle |
2013-012: Bone, Mammalian, species unknown |
2013-001: Coal, although not from Edisto Island, found on Hatteras Island, beach Outer Banks, NC. Presumably from unknown steam age wreck offshore. |
2013-002: Coal, although not from Edisto Island, found on Hatteras Island, beach Outer Banks, NC. Presumably from unknown steam age wreck offshore. |
2013-017: Bone, Mammalian, species unknown